Stainless steel and Galvanized Air Ducts

Production and installation of steel and galvanized ducts in different shapes and dimensions

  • Saraylar Mahallesi 1. Sanayi Sitesi 155 Sokak No: 23 Merkez / DENİZLİ
  • 0 258 265 60 83

Stainless steel and Galvanized Air Ducts

Stainless steel and Galvanized Air Ducts
It is manufactured with galvanized, stainless, or aluminum plate and high-strength, leak-proof flange and corner parts in the production of ventilation ducts. The duct and fittings materials of our products are automatically produced in our factory in a way to minimize wastage with high precision in the specified dimensions. Our straight channel production is made with automatic machines in the range of 120, 130,150-2500 mm. Our daily production capacity is 1000 m 2. Channels, elbows, reductions are closed with an automatic clamping machine. Channel flange connections are made in an automatic punching machine and sealing is provided with mastic silicone after production.